Reminder for Science Fair participants: NW Regional Science Fair is tomorrow (2/23) at WSC Bus leaves Grenora at 7:15am, fair starts at 8:30am, awards at 2:30pm Remember to dress up, bring boards, and bring something to do!
almost 3 years ago, Katelyn Jespersen
Parent/Teacher Conferences will beThursday, Feb. 24th from 4pm-9pm CST.
almost 3 years ago, Grenora Public School
Thunder Youth Wrestling will begin on Tuesday (Feb 22nd) at 3:30pm CST. More Information will be sent home Monday after school.
almost 3 years ago, Blake Lampert
The Pep Band will be leaving Grenora at 3:00 pm CST to play at the District tournament in Sidney.
almost 3 years ago, Grenora Public School
REMINDER: The Valentine's Date Night Dinner is fast approaching! RSVP as soon as possible by calling the Grenora School @ 701-694-2711. Date Night will be Wed., Feb. 23rd from 6pm-8pm CST in the Grenora School lunchroom.
almost 3 years ago, Grenora Public School
Date Night
Good Afternoon everyone. No School Date Change! . We will not have school on Friday, February 18 and we will have school on Monday, February 21st. This will allow our staff and students to attend either State Wresting or District Basketball. Please let us know if you have any questions. Mr Rudningen
almost 3 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
The Grenora/Westby Pep Band will be traveling to Sidney on Thursday 2/17 for both the Boys and Girls Basketball games. They will leave Grenora @ 2:30pm CST.
almost 3 years ago, Blake Lampert
Pep Rally today @ 2:30 CST in the Grenora School Gym.
almost 3 years ago, Grenora Public School
Spirit Days Feb. 14-18
almost 3 years ago, Grenora Public School
spirit days
Elementary Boys basketball will practice in Grenora today from 3:30pm CST to 4:45pm CST
almost 3 years ago, Blake Lampert
Grenora Science Fair is Friday, February 11th Participating is 5th-12th grade students Open for walkthrough at 1:00 Awards at 1:45
almost 3 years ago, Katelyn Jespersen
science fair
Sophomore Concessions - Sophomores are responsible for the concessions this Saturday, February 12th @ 9 A.M. If there are a couple of parents who wouldn't mind helping out for a few hours that morning, the class and I would greatly appreciate it. Bars or baked goods are welcome.
almost 3 years ago, Shelly Quimby
Tomorrow, Thursday February 10th is the last day to order your Valentine’s Day Crush! Yearbook class members will deliver to students/staff/ community members on Valentine’s Day.
almost 3 years ago, Jen Wade
Order Form
Attention: The Valentine's Date Nigh Dinner Scheduled for tonight (Wednesday, February 9th) at the school has been postponed to Wednesday, February 23, 2022
almost 3 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
Link for 2C Boys and Girls District Basketball Tournament Book.
almost 3 years ago, Blake Lampert
Elementary Basketball Schedule for Saturday 2/12 in Grenora.
almost 3 years ago, Blake Lampert
Schedule Saturday 2/12
CORRECTION: Reminder: NO School: Tomorrow, February 9th: Teacher In-Service: Valentines Dinner also is tomorrow, February 9th: 6-8 p.m.
almost 3 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
Elementary Boys basketball today and tomorrow will leave Grenora at 3:00pm CST for practice in Westby.
about 3 years ago, Blake Lampert
The "Thunder Spirit Night" scheduled for tomorrow (2/4) has been CANCELED due to the basketball games being rescheduled. Girls and Boys JV/V Basketball @ Plentywood will begin tomorrow with JV girls @ 4pm CST. Go Thunder!
about 3 years ago, Grenora Public School