Reminder tonight’s basketball games in Scobey, Boys JV will play first at 5:30pm CST followed by Girls JV at 7:00pm CST.
All elementary basketball and varsity basketball practices will be in Grenora tonight with Elementary practice starting at 3:30pm CST.

Both Elementary boys and girls basketball practice will be in Grenora tonight. Girls will run from 3:00pm-4:30pm CST. Boys will start at 3:30pm CST and go until 5:00pm CST.

The wrestling tournaments this weekend in Rugby and Carrington have both been cancelled due to weather.

Just a reminder to parents:
If your child is ill and has a fever (100.4 or higher), they should not return to school until they are fever-free for 24 consecutive hours without the aid of fever-reducing medications.
If your child is vomiting or having diarrhea they should not return until they have not vomited/had diarrhea for 24 hours.
Adhering to these guidelines will help keep our school healthy and decrease the spreading of contagious illnesses.

Youth Wrestling Open Mats will continue on Mondays and Wednesdays. The time has been changed to 5:30 till 6:30.

Due to staffing shortage there will be NO ASP today. (1/6/22)

CALENDAR UPDATES: Wed. Jan. 19th, Wed. Feb. 9th, Mon. Feb 21st, Wed. April 6th will be Teacher's Inservice Days. There will be NO SCHOOL for students on these days. Also reminder that Fri. Jan. 28th there will be NO SCHOOL for students and staff.

January 2022 Menus

Basketball Game Update: The games vs. Richey/Lambert in Grenora on Friday, January 14th have been moved to Thursday, January 13th due to lack of officials on 1/14. There will be full JV and varsity games for both genders starting at 3:00 pm MST.

Practice time change! Due to the current weather conditions All sports practices will be starting at 11 am cst today, Monday, December 27, 2021.

The following are the dress up days for this week:
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Favorite Christmas Color Day
Wednesday: Ugly Sweater Day

There is no JV girls game tomorrow night in Scobey. The boys JV game will still start at 4:30 pm MST.

An important informational message for Parents/Guardians from Mr. Rudningen:

A letter is being sent home tonight with information about Elementary Basketball with 5th and 6th grade boys and 4th,5th, 6th grade girls. Attached is also the schedule of games. Please contact the Grenora school for any questions.

Reminder today at 2 pm CST we will have K-5 grade Christmas Concert and this evening at 7 pm CST we will have 6-12 grade Christmas Concert. Hope to see you there.

Bracket for today’s JH Basketball games.

The 7-12 Fall Dance will be tonight from 8-11 p.m. cst. This will be taking place in the new gym.

On Monday (12/13) JH basketball will leave at 12:30pm CST for tournament games in Med Lake and Froid. Official brackets will be sent out this weekend. Regardless of the basketball schedule, JH athletes will be back to Grenora in time for the evening Band concert.

Reminder, there is no JV Girls basketball game in Fairview tomorrow. The JV boys will start at regular time @ 5:30pm CST

Winter Sports Photos are after school today (12/8) if you still need to turn in an order form for buttons/team photos you have until Friday (12/10) to do so.