Good Evening Everyone, Governor Burgum has closed schools to students indefinitely. Prior to his decision, the district had decided to call off school through April 6th. We wanted to give families time to prepare for childcare. Now that we are under Governor Burgum’s executive order, we will not have to use the days we had built into our school calendar. The staff at Grenora Public School has been working hard at creating a distance/online academic platform so our students will be able to continue their learning during this pandemic. Transitioning from face-to-face learning to distance/online learning is going to be a challenge for all of us. I ask for your patience and support during this time. We are planning to begin that transition next week starting Tuesday, March 24, 2020. This will give us time to work out any issues before the mandatory April 1st date set by the Governor for having plans in place. We have compiled a list of students who need electronic devices and internet access. If you have not yet contacted the school regarding a need for either of these items, please do so as soon as possible. Our main concern through all of this has been the health and wellbeing of all students, employees and the community. Teachers will be reaching out to students and families to explain how they will be connecting electronically. If you have any questions, please contact teachers or the office. All staff email addresses are available on our website at and a list of staff telephone numbers will be given to families to ensure everyone is able to stay connected during this transition. The teachers are planning by the week--that schedule runs from Tuesday to Tuesday. The delivery and pickup of materials will happen every Tuesday. The following will be the weekly schedule: Saturday/Sunday: Teachers will be gathering all materials that students will need for the first week of distance/online instruction. Monday: 1. Staff will bag and label all materials and prepare them for curbside pickup and/or delivery to bus families. 2. On March 23rd the grab and go lunch program will begin. Curbside pickup will take place between 11:30-12:30 and will be located on the Southeast side of the parking lot. Rural grab and go delivery will begin at 11:30. We will be practicing social distancing and leave the lunches by the front door. School buses will be used for this delivery. If you have not yet signed up for the lunch program and would like to, please contact the office as soon as possible. Tuesday: 1. Grab and Go lunch program will continue. Schedule will be the same each day. 2. School materials will be ready for pickup at curbside pickup 11:30-2:30 and 4:00-5:30. Please contact the office if you cannot pick up materials during those times. School materials will be delivered to the homes of bus families during the rural lunch delivery starting at 11:30. If you are in need of an electronic device, a signed agreement for Student Check Out of District Owned Computer, Tablet or Device will be required prior to check out. These can be signed during the curbside pickup hours. Wednesday-Friday: Instruction/at home work will begin and continue on the weekly schedule Consecutive Tuesdays: 1. Completed Student work will be dropped off/New work picked up during the curbside times for in town students. Rural student work will be exchanged during the scheduled daily bus deliveries. 2. Electronic student work will be exchanged via email or google classroom as required per teacher. Reminders will be sent a day ahead for these exchanges. All school activities and events have been postponed at this time. The school and all classrooms are currently going through a deep clean. Please continue to check your email, text messages, phone messages, district website and district facebook page for information that is changing rapidly. This is an unprecedented situation that is continually changing and we are making plans for those changes as they come to us. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time and keeping our school safe! Aaron Aaron Rudningen Superintendent/High School Principal Grenora Public Schools
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
In an effort to combat COVID-19 Grenora Public Schools will be closed until Monday April 6, 2020. With the health and wellbeing of all students, employees and the community in mind we will be taking these actions. A letter will follow this post via email, website and facebook.
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
The Grenora Public School District is preparing for the possibility that school closures will be extended beyond March 20th. If you answer YES to any of the following questions please let us know by email @, by calling 694-2711 or private message on Facebook. #1. Would you utilize a daily lunch provided by the school in a grab and go manner or delivered to our rural students? #2. Are you without internet access at home? #3. Are you without a home computer or tablet your student could use in the event online classes we offered? Please include each student’s name and grade level in your response.
almost 5 years ago, Grenora Public School
There will be NO SCHOOL at Grenora Public School March 16 through March 20. Also NO community access to weight room or gym during this time. Thanks
almost 5 years ago, Grenora Public School
Good evening, due to changes to recommendations from the department of health and our recent state basketball trip to Missoula where there are cases of Corona Virus we will not have school on Monday, March 16 At Grenora Public school. I will be in contact with the Governor’s office tomorrow about the remainder of the week. This situation will remain fluid as information is passed to us. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
Sorry for the late notice. But the North Dakota Activities Association has cancelled all events for the time being. This means that the High School Choir will NOT be going to festival tomorrow (March 16th). The Middle School Festival has ALSO been Cancelled for Friday 03/20.
almost 5 years ago, Mark Miller
Good Afternoon Everyone, I hope you all enjoyed Spring Break! School is on as scheduled tomorrow. I have been in close contact with the ND Health Department and the Governor’s office. We will continue to keep you informed and updated. Please refer to the document I sent out last week regarding signs and symptoms. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. 701-694-2711 or
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
Good Morning Everyone,The following link is a letter regarding Grenora School and the CoronaVirus. I hope you have all been enjoying Spring Break!
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
🏀🏀⚡️⚡️ATTENTION ALL THUNDER FANS!! Join us Tuesday, March 10th in sending off our Lady Thunder to the MT Class C State 🏀 Tournament!!! The Thunder Bus will be departing the Grenora School’s North Parking Lot @ 3:00 pm CST Tuesday. Good luck ladies!! 🏀⚡️⚡️
almost 5 years ago, Grenora Public School
Middle School Festival Friday March 20th. Grades 5,6 & 8 will be going. Buss leaves Grenora at 9:00 a.m. All students are expected to dress NICE for this event. Students SHOULD be back in time for buses to run.
almost 5 years ago, Mark Miller
The Lady Thunder are STATE BOUND!!! CONGRATULATIONS LADIES!!! They will play on Thursday March 12th at 12:00 mst in Missoula!!! So proud of you all!!!
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
The team
The Seniors!
Pep Band Bus leaves Grenora today (o3/o2) at 5:00 CST.
almost 5 years ago, Mark Miller
The Thunder girls will be playing in the challenge game tomorrow (Monday, March 2) at 7:00 pm cst in Plentywood! Let’s fill the gym and cheer on the girls as they play for a trip to the state tournament.
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
Congratulations to the girls basketball team for making into the Divisional Championship!! They will play tomorrow night at 7:30 mst in Glasgow. Finish strong ladies!!!
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Rudningen
If Divisional Tournament goes the way we hope... The Pep Band bus will leave for Glasgow tomorrow (Feb. 28) at 1:30 Central Time.
almost 5 years ago, Mark Miller
Middle School Music Festival (Grades 5, 6 & 8) on Friday March 20th in Froid. Public Welcome to attend !
almost 5 years ago, Mark Miller
High School Vocal Festival Monday, March 16th at Williston State College.
almost 5 years ago, Mark Miller
FOR SALE ON BIDS 1 – 2010 Chevrolet 14 passenger minibus For More information Please contact Aaron Rudningen, Superintendent Grenora Public School District No. 99 PO Box 38 Grenora ND 58845 Phone 701.694.2711 Fax 701.694.2717 Sealed bids are due in the District Office by 5pm, April 14, 2020 If bids are deemed to be too low, or any other reason any or all bids may be either, rejected or re-bid at a later date.
almost 5 years ago, Grenora Public School
Pep band plays Friday I’m Glasgow time TBA!
almost 5 years ago, Grenora Public School
almost 5 years ago, Grenora Public School
Smells good!! Stop by the school cafeteria for our Spaghetti Dinner!!